Tuesday, April 20, 2010

DIY Number 1

Good Morning Bloggy People,

Wow! I have had a super busy weekend, full of fun road trips to Sydney with the girls, Corporate box tickets for Kelly Clarkson, Spending Sprees at IKEA and finally finishing it all of when I got home with a little furniture building and a little DIY for my bedroom.

Ok well first things first, I decided that my bedroom was missing a little ZING! So off I went to IKEA for some inspiration.... And I came home with this

Well 2 of these, Pin Boards and some pretty fabric, my aim was to cover the pin boards in the fabric and use them to display some photos and just other little bits and pieces that make me smile. So after much deliberation as to how I was going to get the fabric to stick to the pin boards (including a HUGE blonde moment on my part, but we aren't going there) I wandered on over to Bunnings to purchase my self my first tool (I guess you could call it) My new shiny stapel gun...

So after about 10 minutes of making a fair bit of noise and confusing the family as to what I was getting up to in my bedroom, this was the outcome and I am quiet happy with how it looks.

I think the colours fit in perfectly with my walls and quilt cover, just because I was snap happy here are a couple more photos.

Good luck to you all with your own DIY projects, let me know what you do and I will hopefully give them a go too.


  1. Good job Kylie! I was at Ikea yesterday..I love that fabric

  2. oh wow thats adorable. thanks for stopping by.
